A Merged Congregation: A Place to Be

Outside Worship this Sunday, October 18th

Resuming Worship in Sanctuary, October 25th with Safety Measures

Our next in-person outdoor morning worship will be this Sunday, October 18th. We will gather on the side parking lot which will again be marked off for social distancing. We will be attempting (it’s new to us) to broadcast live via our YouTube channel that will be linked from our website’s upper left corner (small YouTube logo). If we aren’t able to stream live, we’ll post the service soon after the service. Please bring a lawn chair; Stay 6ft apart; Wear a face mask to keep others safe; No hugging.

Beginning Sunday, October 25, we will be having worship on Sunday morning at 11 (worship only, no Sunday School at this time).  Worship will look different in order to help keep one another as safe as possible. We’ll ask that as many people as possible enter through the front doors on Spring Garden or through the ramp entry off of the alley way (to help reduce the number of people through-out the building), the service will be shorter (30-40 mins), we’ll insist that everyone wears a mask while in the building, limit restroom usage to urgent need, we’ll need to sit spaced out (about three rows of pews between households) and not hug or shake hands with one another, to use the screens for singing briefly, which will be moved to the ending of the service, we will continue to have soloist/duets instead of a larger choir for a season, we won’t be passing the offering plates (yet you will have places to place your offering at the doorways or you can continue to mail or give online). As always, we welcome children to be a part of the worship service – yet, as it’s impossible to maintain social distancing between children in our children’s church area, we’ll ask that children remain with their parents in the sanctuary worship service.

Sunday morning services will begin being livestreamed on YouTube channel College Place UMC Greensboro at 11am for those who feel it is best for them to continue to participate online. Please know that our congregation’s leadership supports your decision to worship in-person or online. Our services will continue to be available on our website at www.collegeplaceumc.com/sermons. If you need help to view the videos, please call the church office for assistance.

To help us plan for worship, we ask that you call the office to let us know your intention to worship on Sunday the 18th or 25th (or you may email carol.taylor@collegeplaceumc.com. Making a reservation for the Sunday morning service is not mandatory but it will help us plan how to set up the circles for social distancing.

In the next few months, we’ll seek to both worship and maintain the safety of our people. If area Covid conditions worsen, we may have to return to online worship again and we’ll seek to keep you as informed as early as possible. We also ask for patience and observation of these guidelines for the good of one another.

ONE ADDITIONAL NOTE: If you have been in an environment where you may have been exposed to Covid(such as known exposure, traveling outside of our area, around large groups of non-family/household groups, in places where masks are not required or observed), with care for our gathered community, please wait at least a week before worshipping in-person and take advantage of our on-line options.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Jason.

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