College Place United Methodist Church

A Merged Congregation: A Place to Be

You’re invited to join a study of the Gospel of Luke. Starting August 30, Dr. Tom Herin will be leading a Bible study at College Place UMC entitled Becoming the Hands and Feet of Jesus. This is primarily for folks who are helping with the food pantry or with the C.A.R.E. program at College Place, with the gardens at Centenary UMC or behind the ACM building at UNCG. Other people from College Place, Centenary, UNCG and Greensboro College are welcome. The class will be from 7-8pm each Wednesday from August 30-November 15 in the John Wesley Room.

Class members will use biblical and other materials and their own experiences of ministry to explore what Saint Teresa of Avila meant when she wrote: “Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours, yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion is to look out to the earth, yours are the feet by which He is to go about doing good and yours are the hands by which He is to bless us now.”

For more information, contact Tom at


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