College Place United Methodist Church

A Merged Congregation: A Place to Be

We’ve been in Lent nearly six full weeks. We’ve heard stories of Jesus’ life giving interactions with people of his day. This week in worship we will recall his triumphant entry into Jerusalem and hear about his arrest, denial, beating, crucifixion, and burial. It’ll be a lot to recall, but necessary to ensure that we all hear the celebration of Easter with amazement of the power at God at work to offer salvation to all the world (and to each of us).

Each of us has the opportunity to hear again this powerful story and to see where we find ourselves this year in this story. Each year, I attempt to recall that the promises of Easter are offered to me again and hear the invitation of God to let Easter’s gift of hope and life find its way into my life in a new (or renewed) way. I hope you will experience the resurrection of Easter in a powerful way this year.

I look forward to worshiping and remembering these parts of the story of Jesus with you in the days ahead.

Peace, Jason

Holy Week

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