College Place United Methodist Church

A Merged Congregation: A Place to Be

Lent is an invitation the church extends to each of us for a chance to grow closer to God and renew our faith. As with most things, we’ll get out of it, what we put into it. If we ignore it, then Easter’s joy will be muted. If we open ourselves to the transforming grace and love by reflecting, praying and examining our lives, then our Easter this year can have even greater joy as we realize what possibilities God is capable in each of our lives.


This year Lent begins next Wednesday, Feb. 10. College Place will have two Ash Wednesday worship services – at 12:05pm and 6:00pm – where together, we will begin our Season of Lent with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads reminding us of our own mortality and our need of repentance and forgiveness in our lives as we celebrate Holy Communion. The noon service will be brief and the evening service will have musical additions. Please make an effort to begin the season of Lent with worship.

Each Sunday we will journey together considering the Gospel of Luke’s story of Jesus’ life and ministry that leads to the cross and Resurrection.


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